Signing My Paintings with a Glass Pen

Posted by on Sep 19, 2022 in Watercolor Tips

I have always struggled with signing my paintings. My name is long and I am not that proficient with a rigger brush. Pens with small points have been my preference but a judge (Anne Abgott) once told me that if a watercolor show does not allow ink, that signature could disqualify the painting. Also it sometimes doesn’t harmonize with the painting to have ink just in that spot.

I finally figured out how to do it. I use this glass pen. I take a brush loaded with paint that has been used in the painting and rub it along the grooves closest to the tip. I fill it up with as much paint as I can get on there and practice for a stroke on a scrap paper to make sure a blob of paint does not fall out initially. It works great!! Also if you mess up the signature while it is still damp, you can quickly wet the goof up, wipe the ink up, let it dry and try again.

By the way, I also tried a calligraphy pen which worked OK but seemed to not hold the paint as well.